Saturday, November 8, 2008


Think about the many ways we talk about time. We say things like: kill time, make time, waste time, spend time, good times, bad times, save time, no time, more time, etc. What is this thing that we can waste it, earn it, kill it, spend it, and save it? Sometimes call it good, other times bad. A thing we can have too much or too little of?
Time is a language tool that we have developed to communicate with others. Without the language of time we would not be able to refer to events in a way anyone would understand. Is that all it is? And what does it look like? We often think of time as a straight line. We are somewhere along the line at a point called 'the present.' Events on either side are called 'past' or 'future.' But is it really like that? Could time be an a curve that somewhere becomes a closed circle?
According to Albert Einstein time as we know it does not exist.
There is only NOW but there are other NOWS just as real. A now in which I exist and one in which I do not.

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