Saturday, November 8, 2008


Have you ever had an original thought? Be honest. Really really honest. It's not that what we read, hear, see and experience doesn't effect our thinking. That's called learning. But do you really take time to think? The kind of time you'd spend on some other less essential life process? Say taking a bath, eating dinner, watching television. Do you read the op ed section of the newspaper or listen to the 'experts' on your favorite radio or tv show and fall into line with whichever one seems to reflect your own feelings best?
To be fair it's almost impossible to think in most modern environments. Too many distractions and too little encouragement. Oh we think about our work, our friends and families, where we're going next, what we're doing next. No time, no time, no time to think we say. Not about 'unimportant' things like what our lives are about and how we're going to feel when they are over.
Thinking is one of the most essential acts imaginable. And it's beautiful. Nothing better than a totally quiet day, completely alone, no obligations hanging over our heads, nothing we have to DO.
Can you imagine that? Try. Your life depends on it.

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