Saturday, April 25, 2009

Totally, 100% Mad!

Today's rant is in response to a friend's incredibly small minded, conventional, stupid thinking. Not that it's the first time I've experienced this type of response either to myself in general or to things I choose to do. Without going into a lot of details it is hard to explain what I am talking about. Just try these subjects for starters: can men and women be friends, is it okay to travel on your own if you have a life partner, and on and on. In other, words can a woman of today be independent without going through life solo? Do women need permission to act on their own?? Would a mind of her own and friends of both genders mean this woman is looking for sex or a new relationship?? Plllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeee.
Spare me.
Why should I even care what people think? Mostly I don't. Still, it's hard to find friends if they're all busy ascribing hidden motives to everything you do. The one person in life who matters most to me has no doubt that I am capable, independent, loyal and happy. So, if you can't handle the heat stay away from my fire!